Wednesday, February 29, 2012


February 29th, 2012


I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo fed up with your ridiculously frustrating site! Every time I become interested in clicking a link from your site (ex. 10 Hilarious Situations Where Girls...), first it takes me to a stupid landing page with another link to the same post. Then, clicking on that link again takes me to another stupid site with more suggested links! THEN, CLICKING THAT LINK AGAIN FINALLY TAKES ME TO THE POST, WHICH IS OF A COMPLETELY UNRELATED TOPIC! That's three different web pages, not to mention the pop up ads and new tabs that open every time I click.

I will use my previous and completely true aforementioned example as an example, of which occurred to me today. In the said, true example, I was interested in the post entitled, "10 Hilarious Situations Where Girls..." which also had a picture of a comic strip with some girls in it. Thinking to myself, "Lol, I wonder what silly girls are doing silly this time." I foolishly clicked on the link. Well, after journeying through the previous, aforementioned maze of ridiculous frustrations, the link led me to the completely unrelated post of "7 Beauty Ingredients To Avoid." HOW ARE THESE RELATED? They don't even have the same number! 7 and 10 are completely different numbers, Mr. Math.

Anyways, you guys are complete trolling jerks who capitalize off of interesting one-liners with funny pictures that just lead to a complete maze of BS in order to get money from ads.

I hope you are satisfied knowing that I hate you, you qualling, idle-headed mammots.


Terry Ibele

CONCLUSION:  Yeah, don't think they will ever respond, and if they do, it will be through a serious of unrelated responses, revealed through clicking on 10 different links.